Caps on Pain and Suffering

Under Ohio law, you are entitled to receive compensation for pain and suffering, and mental anguish, following an accident injury or medical malpractice incident. There are, however, limits to how much you can receive for these “noneconomic damages.” To get the maximum amount possible, make sure you have an experienced lawyer to back you up.

Your Case Is Important

At Colley Shroyer & Abraham, we understand that no amount of money can take away the suffering and hardship our clients have experienced because of medical malpractice or personal injury. It can, however, be a crucial part of their recovery. From our office in Columbus, Ohio, we strive to help injury victims get the financial support and stability they need to recover physically and emotionally following an accident. Contact our office and arrange a free consultation to have your questions answered by an experienced attorney who cares about your success. Understanding The Limits To What You Can Receive The amount of compensation you will collect for your medical malpractice claim will depend on factors like how well your economic needs are demonstrated in court or settlement proceedings. It will also depend upon the caps put in place to protect hospitals and doctors from multimillion-dollar payouts.

Under Ohio law, there are three levels of caps on pain and suffering compensation:

  • $250,000: This is the standard/default limit placed on pain and suffering claims in medical malpractice cases.
  • $350,000: The standard limit may be raised to this amount if medical bills are significant enough to justify its increase.
  • $500,000: This limit is in place for cases that involve particularly catastrophic injuries, such as those that involve the loss of organ function.

How Do I Collect The Maximum Amount Available?

Maximum compensation verdicts and settlements are typically the result of comprehensive case analysis — analysis that reflects your current recovery needs and your long-term care and hardship. Our team works with field experts (economic experts, life care planners, etc.) who can provide professional reviews and documentation that substantiates your ongoing needs. Every case is different so it is best to discuss your individual circumstances with an experienced attorney. Contact our team online or by telephone at 877-450-2697 to have your questions answered. We are happy to help.